Rigid Body Dynamics Library

Data Structures

struct  ConstraintSet
 Structure that contains both constraint information and workspace memory. More...


 ConstraintSet ()
unsigned int getGroupIndexByName (const char *userDefinedName)
 getGroupIndex returns the index to a constraints that have been grouped because they are of the same type, apply to the same bodies, and apply to the same local frames on each body. More...
unsigned int getGroupIndexById (unsigned int userDefinedId)
 getGroupIndex returns the index to a constraints that have been grouped because they are of the same type, apply to the same bodies, and apply to the same local frames on each body. More...
unsigned int getGroupIndexByAssignedId (unsigned int assignedId)
 getGroupIndex returns the index to a constraints that have been grouped because they are of the same type, apply to the same bodies, and apply to the same local frames on each body. More...
unsigned int getGroupIndexMax ()
 getGroupIndexMax returns the maximum valid constraint group index (the min. is zero) so that constraint groups can be iterated over if desired. More...
const char * getGroupName (unsigned int groupIndex)
 Returns the name of the constraint group, which may differ from the names entered by the user if the constraint is one in which grouping is done automatically (e.g. contact and loop constraints) More...
unsigned int getGroupSize (unsigned int groupIndex)
 Returns the number of constraint equations in this group. More...
unsigned int getGroupType (unsigned int groupIndex)
 Returns integer corresponding to the ConstraintType. More...
unsigned int getGroupId (unsigned int groupIndex)
 Returns the user-defined-id of the constraint group, which may differ from the names entered by the user if the constraint is one in which grouping is done automatically (e.g. contact and loop constraints). More...
unsigned int getGroupAssignedId (unsigned int groupIndex)
 Returns assigned id of the constraint group which will be the first id assigned to an entry in a group (if the grouping was done automatically - as is done for contact and loop constraints). More...
void calcForces (unsigned int groupIndex, Model &model, const Math::VectorNd &Q, const Math::VectorNd &QDot, std::vector< unsigned int > &updConstraintBodyIdsOutput, std::vector< Math::SpatialTransform > &updConstraintBodyFramesOutput, std::vector< Math::SpatialVector > &updConstraintForcesOutput, bool resolveAllInRootFrame=false, bool updateKinematics=false)
 calcForces resolves the generalized forces generated by this constraint into equivalent spatial forces (resolved in the local or the base frame) that are applied between the bodies and frames that this constraint applies to. More...
void calcImpulses (unsigned int groupIndex, Model &model, const Math::VectorNd &Q, const Math::VectorNd &QDot, std::vector< unsigned int > &constraintBodyIdsOutput, std::vector< Math::SpatialTransform > &constraintBodyFramesOutput, std::vector< Math::SpatialVector > &constraintImpulsesOutput, bool resolveAllInRootFrame=false, bool updateKinematics=false)
 calcImpulses resolves the generalized impluses generated by this constraint into equivalent spatial impulses (resolved in the local or the base frame) that are applied between the bodies and frames that this constraint applies to. More...
void calcPositionError (unsigned int groupIndex, Model &model, const Math::VectorNd &Q, Math::VectorNd &positionErrorOutput, bool updateKinematics=false)
 calcPositionError calculates the vector of position errors associated with this constraint. Note that if the constraint group, or parts of it, are not defined at the position level then 0's will be returned. More...
void calcVelocityError (unsigned int groupIndex, Model &model, const Math::VectorNd &Q, const Math::VectorNd &QDot, Math::VectorNd &velocityErrorOutput, bool updateKinematics=false)
 calcVelocityError calculates the vector of position errors associated with this constraint. Note that if the constraint group, or parts of it, are not defined at the position level then 0's will be returned. More...
void calcBaumgarteStabilizationForces (unsigned int groupIndex, Model &model, const Math::VectorNd &positionError, const Math::VectorNd &velocityError, Math::VectorNd &baumgarteForcesOutput)
bool isBaumgarteStabilizationEnabled (unsigned int groupIndex)
void enableBaumgarteStabilization (unsigned int groupIndex)
void disableBaumgarteStabilization (unsigned int groupIndex)
void getBaumgarteStabilizationCoefficients (unsigned int groupIndex, Math::Vector2d &baumgartePositionVelocityCoefficientsOutput)
unsigned int AddContactConstraint (unsigned int bodyId, const Math::Vector3d &bodyPoint, const Math::Vector3d &worldNormal, const char *constraintName=NULL, unsigned int userDefinedId=std::numeric_limits< unsigned int >::max())
 Adds a single contact constraint (point-ground) to the constraint set. More...
unsigned int AddLoopConstraint (unsigned int bodyIdPredecessor, unsigned int bodyIdSuccessor, const Math::SpatialTransform &XPredecessor, const Math::SpatialTransform &XSuccessor, const Math::SpatialVector &constraintAxisInPredecessor, bool enableBaumgarteStabilization=false, double stabilizationTimeConstant=0.1, const char *constraintName=NULL, unsigned int userDefinedId=std::numeric_limits< unsigned int >::max())
 Adds a loop constraint to the constraint set. More...
unsigned int AddCustomConstraint (std::shared_ptr< Constraint > customConstraint)
 Adds a custom constraint to the constraint set. More...
ConstraintSet Copy ()
 Copies the constraints and resets its ConstraintSet::bound flag. More...
void SetSolver (Math::LinearSolver solver)
 Specifies which method should be used for solving undelying linear systems. More...
bool Bind (const Model &model)
 Initializes and allocates memory for the constraint set. More...
void SetActuationMap (const Model &model, const std::vector< bool > &actuatedDof)
 Initializes and allocates memory needed for InverseDynamicsConstraints and InverseDynamicsConstraintsRelaxed. More...
size_t size () const
 Returns the number of constraints. More...
void clear ()
 Clears all variables in the constraint set. More...
RBDL_DLLAPI void CalcConstraintsPositionError (Model &model, const Math::VectorNd &Q, ConstraintSet &CS, Math::VectorNd &errOutput, bool update_kinematics=true)
 Computes the position errors for the given ConstraintSet. More...
RBDL_DLLAPI void CalcConstraintsJacobian (Model &model, const Math::VectorNd &Q, ConstraintSet &CS, Math::MatrixNd &GOutput, bool update_kinematics=true)
 Computes the Jacobian for the given ConstraintSet. More...
RBDL_DLLAPI void CalcConstraintsVelocityError (Model &model, const Math::VectorNd &Q, const Math::VectorNd &QDot, ConstraintSet &CS, Math::VectorNd &errOutput, bool update_kinematics=true)
 Computes the velocity errors for the given ConstraintSet. More...
RBDL_DLLAPI void CalcConstrainedSystemVariables (Model &model, const Math::VectorNd &Q, const Math::VectorNd &QDot, const Math::VectorNd &Tau, ConstraintSet &CSOutput, bool update_kinematics=true, std::vector< Math::SpatialVector > *f_ext=NULL)
 Computes the terms $H$, $G$, and $\gamma$ of the constrained dynamic problem and stores them in the ConstraintSet. More...
RBDL_DLLAPI bool CalcAssemblyQ (Model &model, Math::VectorNd QInit, ConstraintSet &CS, Math::VectorNd &QOutput, const Math::VectorNd &weights, double tolerance=1e-12, unsigned int max_iter=100)
 Computes a feasible initial value of the generalized joint positions. More...
RBDL_DLLAPI void CalcAssemblyQDot (Model &model, const Math::VectorNd &Q, const Math::VectorNd &QDotInit, ConstraintSet &CS, Math::VectorNd &QDotOutput, const Math::VectorNd &weights)
 Computes a feasible initial value of the generalized joint velocities. More...
RBDL_DLLAPI void ForwardDynamicsConstraintsDirect (Model &model, const Math::VectorNd &Q, const Math::VectorNd &QDot, const Math::VectorNd &Tau, ConstraintSet &CS, Math::VectorNd &QDDotOutput, bool update_kinematics=true, std::vector< Math::SpatialVector > *f_ext=NULL)
 Computes forward dynamics with contact by constructing and solving the full lagrangian equation. More...
RBDL_DLLAPI void ForwardDynamicsConstraintsRangeSpaceSparse (Model &model, const Math::VectorNd &Q, const Math::VectorNd &QDot, const Math::VectorNd &Tau, ConstraintSet &CS, Math::VectorNd &QDDotOutput, bool update_kinematics=true, std::vector< Math::SpatialVector > *f_ext=NULL)
RBDL_DLLAPI void ForwardDynamicsConstraintsNullSpace (Model &model, const Math::VectorNd &Q, const Math::VectorNd &QDot, const Math::VectorNd &Tau, ConstraintSet &CS, Math::VectorNd &QDDotOutput, bool update_kinematics=true, std::vector< Math::SpatialVector > *f_ext=NULL)
RBDL_DLLAPI void ForwardDynamicsContactsKokkevis (Model &model, const Math::VectorNd &Q, const Math::VectorNd &QDot, const Math::VectorNd &Tau, ConstraintSet &CS, Math::VectorNd &QDDotOutput)
 Computes forward dynamics that accounts for active contacts in ConstraintSet. More...
RBDL_DLLAPI void InverseDynamicsConstraintsRelaxed (Model &model, const Math::VectorNd &Q, const Math::VectorNd &QDot, const Math::VectorNd &QDDotControls, ConstraintSet &CS, Math::VectorNd &QDDotOutput, Math::VectorNd &TauOutput, bool update_kinematics=true, std::vector< Math::SpatialVector > *f_ext=NULL)
 A relaxed inverse-dynamics operator that can be applied to under-actuated or fully-actuated constrained multibody systems. More...
RBDL_DLLAPI void InverseDynamicsConstraints (Model &model, const Math::VectorNd &Q, const Math::VectorNd &QDot, const Math::VectorNd &QDDotDesired, ConstraintSet &CS, Math::VectorNd &QDDotOutput, Math::VectorNd &TauOutput, bool update_kinematics=true, std::vector< Math::SpatialVector > *f_ext=NULL)
 An inverse-dynamics operator that can be applied to fully-actuated constrained systems. More...
RBDL_DLLAPI bool isConstrainedSystemFullyActuated (Model &model, const Math::VectorNd &Q, const Math::VectorNd &QDot, ConstraintSet &CS, bool update_kinematics=true, std::vector< Math::SpatialVector > *f_ext=NULL)
 A method to evaluate if the constrained system is fully actuated. More...
RBDL_DLLAPI void ComputeConstraintImpulsesDirect (Model &model, const Math::VectorNd &Q, const Math::VectorNd &QDotMinus, ConstraintSet &CS, Math::VectorNd &QDotPlusOutput)
 Computes contact gain by constructing and solving the full lagrangian equation. More...
RBDL_DLLAPI void ComputeConstraintImpulsesRangeSpaceSparse (Model &model, const Math::VectorNd &Q, const Math::VectorNd &QDotMinus, ConstraintSet &CS, Math::VectorNd &QDotPlusOutput)
 Resolves contact gain using SolveContactSystemRangeSpaceSparse() More...
RBDL_DLLAPI void ComputeConstraintImpulsesNullSpace (Model &model, const Math::VectorNd &Q, const Math::VectorNd &QDotMinus, ConstraintSet &CS, Math::VectorNd &QDotPlusOutput)
 Resolves contact gain using SolveContactSystemNullSpace() More...
RBDL_DLLAPI void SolveConstrainedSystemDirect (Math::MatrixNd &H, const Math::MatrixNd &G, const Math::VectorNd &c, const Math::VectorNd &gamma, Math::VectorNd &lambda, Math::MatrixNd &A, Math::VectorNd &b, Math::VectorNd &x, Math::LinearSolver &linear_solver)
 Solves the full contact system directly, i.e. simultaneously for contact forces and joint accelerations. More...
RBDL_DLLAPI void SolveConstrainedSystemRangeSpaceSparse (Model &model, Math::MatrixNd &H, const Math::MatrixNd &G, const Math::VectorNd &c, const Math::VectorNd &gamma, Math::VectorNd &qddot, Math::VectorNd &lambda, Math::MatrixNd &K, Math::VectorNd &a, Math::LinearSolver linear_solver)
 Solves the contact system by first solving for the the joint accelerations and then the contact forces using a sparse matrix decomposition of the joint space inertia matrix. More...
RBDL_DLLAPI void SolveConstrainedSystemNullSpace (Math::MatrixNd &H, const Math::MatrixNd &G, const Math::VectorNd &c, const Math::VectorNd &gamma, Math::VectorNd &qddot, Math::VectorNd &lambda, Math::MatrixNd &Y, Math::MatrixNd &Z, Math::VectorNd &qddot_y, Math::VectorNd &qddot_z, Math::LinearSolver &linear_solver)
 Solves the contact system by first solving for the joint accelerations and then for the constraint forces. More...


Math::LinearSolver linear_solver
 Method that should be used to solve internal linear systems. More...
bool bound
 Whether the constraint set was bound to a model (mandatory!). More...
std::vector< ConstraintTypeconstraintType
std::vector< std::string > name
std::map< std::string, unsigned int > nameGroupMap
std::map< unsigned int, unsigned int > userDefinedIdGroupMap
std::map< unsigned int, unsigned int > idGroupMap
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< Constraint > > constraints
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ContactConstraint > > contactConstraints
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< LoopConstraint > > loopConstraints
Math::VectorNd err
Math::VectorNd errd
Math::VectorNd force
Math::VectorNd impulse
 Constraint impulses along the constraint directions. More...
Math::VectorNd v_plus
 The velocities we want to have along the constraint directions. More...
Math::MatrixNd H
 Workspace for the joint space inertia matrix. More...
Math::VectorNd C
 Workspace for the coriolis forces. More...
Math::VectorNd gamma
 Workspace of the right hand side of the acceleration equation. More...
Math::MatrixNd G
 Workspace for the constraint Jacobian. More...
Math::MatrixNd A
 Workspace for the Lagrangian left-hand-side matrix. More...
Math::VectorNd b
 Workspace for the Lagrangian right-hand-side. More...
Math::VectorNd x
 Workspace for the Lagrangian solution. More...
Math::MatrixNd S
Math::MatrixNd P
 Selection matrix for the non-actuated parts of the model. More...
Math::MatrixNd W
Math::MatrixNd Winv
Math::VectorNd WinvSC
Math::VectorNd u
Math::VectorNd v
Math::MatrixNd F
Math::MatrixNd Ful
Math::MatrixNd Fur
Math::MatrixNd Fll
Math::MatrixNd Flr
Math::MatrixNd GT
Math::MatrixNd GTu
Math::MatrixNd GTl
Math::VectorNd g
Math::MatrixNd Ru
Math::VectorNd py
Math::VectorNd pz
Eigen::HouseholderQR< Math::MatrixNdGT_qr
 Workspace for the QR decomposition of the null-space method. More...
Eigen::FullPivHouseholderQR< Math::MatrixNdGPT_full_qr
Math::MatrixNd GT_qr_Q
Math::MatrixNd GPT
Math::MatrixNd Y
Math::MatrixNd Z
Math::MatrixNd R
Math::VectorNd qddot_y
Math::VectorNd qddot_z
Math::MatrixNd K
 Workspace for the Inverse Articulated-Body Inertia. More...
Math::VectorNd a
 Workspace for the accelerations of due to the test forces. More...
Math::VectorNd QDDot_t
 Workspace for the test accelerations. More...
Math::VectorNd QDDot_0
 Workspace for the default accelerations. More...
std::vector< Math::SpatialVectorf_t
 Workspace for the test forces. More...
std::vector< Math::SpatialVectorf_ext_constraints
 Workspace for the actual spatial forces. More...
std::vector< Math::Vector3dpoint_accel_0
 Workspace for the default point accelerations. More...
std::vector< Math::SpatialVectord_pA
 Workspace for the bias force due to the test force. More...
std::vector< Math::SpatialVectord_a
 Workspace for the acceleration due to the test force. More...
Math::VectorNd d_u
std::vector< Math::SpatialMatrixd_IA
 Workspace for the inertia when applying constraint forces. More...
std::vector< Math::SpatialVectord_U
 Workspace when applying constraint forces. More...
Math::VectorNd d_d
 Workspace when applying constraint forces. More...
std::vector< Math::Vector3dd_multdof3_u
ConstraintCache cache

Detailed Description

Constraints are handled by specification of a ConstraintSet which contains all information about the current constraints and workspace memory.

Separate constraints can be specified by calling ConstraintSet::AddContactConstraint(), ConstraintSet::AddLoopConstraint(), and ConstraintSet::AddCustomConstraint(). After all constraints have been specified, this ConstraintSet has to be bound to the model via ConstraintSet::Bind(). This initializes workspace memory that is later used when calling one of the contact functions, such as ForwardDynamicsContactsDirects().

The values in the vectors ConstraintSet::force and ConstraintSet::impulse contain the Lagrange multipliers or change in Lagrange multipliers for each constraint when returning from one of the contact functions.

Solution of the Constraint System

Linear System of the Constrained Dynamics

In the presence of constraints, to compute the acceleration one has to solve a linear system of the form:

\[ \left( \begin{array}{cc} H & G^T \\ G & 0 \end{array} \right) \left( \begin{array}{c} \ddot{q} \\ - \lambda \end{array} \right) = \left( \begin{array}{c} -C + \tau \\ \gamma \end{array} \right) \]

where $H$ is the joint space inertia matrix computed with the CompositeRigidBodyAlgorithm(), $G$ is the constraint Jacobian, $C$ the bias force (sometimes called "non-linear effects"), and $\gamma$ the generalized acceleration independent part of the constraints.

Linear System of the Constraint Impacts

Similarly to compute the response of the model to a constraint gain one has to solve a system of the following form:

\[ \left( \begin{array}{cc} H & G^T \\ G & 0 \end{array} \right) \left( \begin{array}{c} \dot{q}^{+} \\ \Lambda \end{array} \right) = \left( \begin{array}{c} H \dot{q}^{-} \\ v^{+} \end{array} \right) \]

where $H$ is the joint space inertia matrix computed with the CompositeRigidBodyAlgorithm(), $G$ are the Jacobians of the constraints, $\dot{q}^{+}$ the generalized velocity after the impact, $\Lambda$ the impulses at each constraint, $\dot{q}^{-}$ the generalized velocity before the impact, and $v^{+}$ the desired velocity of each constraint after the impact (known beforehand, usually 0). The value of $v^{+}$ can is specified via the variable ConstraintSet::v_plus and defaults to 0.

Solution Methods

There are essentially three different approaches to solve these systems:

  1. Direct: solve the full system to simultaneously compute $\ddot{q}$ and $\lambda$. This may be slow for large systems and many constraints.
  2. Range-Space: solve first for $\lambda$ and then for $\ddot{q}$.
  3. Null-Space: solve furst for $\ddot{q}$ and then for $\lambda$ The methods are the same for the contact gains just with different variables on the right-hand-side.

RBDL provides methods for all approaches. The implementation for the range-space method also exploits sparsities in the joint space inertia matrix using a sparse structure preserving $L^TL$ decomposition as described in Chapter 8.5 of "Rigid Body Dynamics Algorithms".

None of the methods is generally superior to the others and each has different trade-offs as factors such as model topology, number of constraints, constrained bodies, numerical stability, and performance vary and evaluation has to be made on a case-by-case basis.

Methods for Solving Constrained


RBDL provides the following methods to compute the acceleration of a constrained system:

Methods for Computing Collisions

RBDL provides the following methods to compute the collision response on new contact gains:

Computing generalized joint positions and velocities

satisfying the constraint equations.

When considering a model subject position level constraints expressed by the equation $\phi (q) = 0$, it is often necessary to compute generalized joint position and velocities which satisfy the constraints. Even velocity-level constraints may have position-level assembly constraints: a rolling-without-slipping constraint is a velocity-level constraint, but during assembly it might be desireable to put the rolling surfaces in contact with eachother.

In order to compute a vector of generalized joint positions that satisfy the constraints it is necessary to solve the following optimization problem:

\begin{eqnarray*} \text{minimize} && \sum_{i = 0}^{n} (q - q_{0})^T W (q - q_{0}) \\ \text{over} && q \\ \text{subject to} && \phi (q) = 0 \end{eqnarray*}

In order to compute a vector of generalized joint velocities that satisfy the constraints it is necessary to solve the following optimization problem:

\begin{eqnarray*} \text{minimize} && \sum_{i = 0}^{n} (\dot{q} - \dot{q}_{0})^T W (\dot{q} - \dot{q}_{0}) \\ \text{over} && \dot{q} \\ \text{subject to} && \dot{\phi} (q) = \phi _{q}(q) \dot{q} + \phi _{t}(q) = 0 \end{eqnarray*}

$q_{0}$ and $\dot{q}_{0}$ are initial guesses, $\phi _{q}$ is the constraints Jacobian (partial derivative of $\phi$ with respect to $q$), and $\phi _{t}(q)$ is the partial derivative of $\phi$ with respect to time. $W$ is a diagonal weighting matrix, which can be exploited to prioritize changes in the position/ velocity of specific joints. With a solver capable of handling singular matrices, it is possible to set to 1 the weight of the joint positions/ velocities that should not be changed from the initial guesses, and to 0 those corresponding to the values that can be changed.

These problems are solved using the Lagrange multipliers method. For the velocity problem the solution is exact. For the position problem the constraints are linearized in the form $ \phi (q_{0}) + \phi _{t}(q0) + \phi _{q_0}(q) (q - q_{0}) $ and the linearized problem is solved iteratively until the constraint position errors are smaller than a given threshold.

RBDL provides two functions to compute feasible joint position and velocities:

Baumgarte Stabilization

The constrained dynamic equations are correct at the acceleration level but will drift at the velocity and position level during numerical integration. RBDL implements Baumgarte stabilization to avoid the accumulation of position and velocity errors for loop constraints and custom constraints. Contact constraints do not have Baumgarte stabilization because they are a special case which does not typically suffer from drift. The stabilization term can be enabled/disabled using the appropriate ConstraintSet::AddLoopConstraint and ConstraintSet::AddCustomConstraint functions.

The dynamic equations are changed to the following form:

\[ \left( \begin{array}{cc} H & G^T \\ G & 0 \end{array} \right) \left( \begin{array}{c} \ddot{q} \\ - \lambda \end{array} \right) = \left( \begin{array}{c} -C + \tau \\ \gamma + \gamma _{stab} \end{array} \right) \]

A term $\gamma _{stab}$ is added to the right hand side of the equation, defined in the following way:

\[ \gamma _{stab} = - 2 \alpha \dot{\phi} (q) - \beta^2 \phi (q) \]

where $\phi (q)$ are the position level constraint errors and $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are tuning coefficients. There is no clear and simple rule on how to choose them as good values also depend on the used integration method and time step. If the values are too small the constrained dynamics equation becomes stiff, too big values result in errors not being reduced.

A good starting point is to parameterize the coefficients as:

\[ \alpha = \beta = 1 / T_\textit{stab} \]

with $T_\textit{stab}$ specifies a time constant for errors in position and velocity errors to reduce. Featherstone suggests in his book "Rigid Body Dynamics Algorithms" that for a big industrial robot a value of 0.1 is reasonable. When testing different values best is to try different orders of magnitude as e.g. doubling a value only has little effect.

FBaumgarte stabilization is disabled by default, and uses the default the stabilization parameter $T_\textit{stab} = 0.1$.

Function Documentation

◆ ConstraintSet()

ConstraintSet ( )

Definition at line 282 of file Constraints.h.

◆ AddContactConstraint()

unsigned int AddContactConstraint ( unsigned int  bodyId,
const Math::Vector3d bodyPoint,
const Math::Vector3d worldNormal,
const char *  constraintName = NULL,
unsigned int  userDefinedId = std::numeric_limits< unsigned int >::max() 

Adds a single contact constraint (point-ground) to the constraint set.

This type of constraints ensures that the velocity and acceleration of a specified body point along a specified axis are null.

bodyIdthe body which is affected directly by the constraint
bodyPointthe point that is constrained relative to the contact body
worldNormalthe normal direction in which to apply the constraint
constraintNamea human readable name (optional, default: NULL). Set this field to a unique name (within this ConstraintSet) so that the function GetConstraintIndex can find it.
userDefinedIda user defined id (optional, defaults to max()). Set this field to a unique number (within this ConstraintSet) so that the function GetConstraintIndex can find it.

◆ AddCustomConstraint()

unsigned int AddCustomConstraint ( std::shared_ptr< Constraint customConstraint)

Adds a custom constraint to the constraint set.

customConstraintThe CustomConstraint to be added to the ConstraintSet

◆ AddLoopConstraint()

unsigned int AddLoopConstraint ( unsigned int  bodyIdPredecessor,
unsigned int  bodyIdSuccessor,
const Math::SpatialTransform XPredecessor,
const Math::SpatialTransform XSuccessor,
const Math::SpatialVector constraintAxisInPredecessor,
bool  enableBaumgarteStabilization = false,
double  stabilizationTimeConstant = 0.1,
const char *  constraintName = NULL,
unsigned int  userDefinedId = std::numeric_limits< unsigned int >::max() 

Adds a loop constraint to the constraint set.

This type of constraints ensures that the relative orientation and position, spatial velocity, and spatial acceleration between two frames in two bodies are null along a specified spatial constraint axis.

bodyIdPredecessorthe identifier of the predecessor body
bodyIdSuccessorthe identifier of the successor body
XPredecessora spatial transform localizing the constrained frames on the predecessor body, expressed with respect to the predecessor body frame. Note the position vector should be the r_BPB (from the body's origin, to the predessor frame, in the coordinates of the body's frame) and E_BP (the rotation matrix that will rotate vectors from the coordinates of the P frame to the coordinates of the body's frame).
XSuccessora spatial transform localizing the constrained frames on the successor body, expressed with respect to the successor body frame. Note the position vector should be the r_BSB (from the body's origin, to the successor frame, in the coordinates of the body's frame) and E_BS (the rotation matrix that will rotate vectors from the coordinates of the S frame to the coordinates of the body's frame).
constraintAxisInPredecessora spatial vector, resolved in the frame of the predecessor frame, indicating the axis along which the constraint acts
enableBaumgarteStabilization(optional, default false) setting this flag to true will modify the right hand side of the acceleration equation with a penaltiy term that is proportional to the constraint error scaled by a constant.
stabilizationTimeConstant(optional, defaults to 0.1 sec) this value scales the strength of Baumgarte stabilization so that the settling time of the error is proportional the value given here.
constraintNamea human readable name (optional, default: NULL). Set this field to a unique name (within this ConstraintSet) so that the function GetConstraintIndex can find it.
userDefinedIda user defined id (optional, defaults to max()). Set this field to a unique number (within this ConstraintSet) so that the function GetConstraintIndex can find it.

◆ Bind()

bool Bind ( const Model &  model)

Initializes and allocates memory for the constraint set.

This function allocates memory for temporary values and matrices that are required for contact force computation. Both model and constraint set must not be changed after a binding as the required memory is dependent on the model size (i.e. the number of bodies and degrees of freedom) and the number of constraints in the Constraint set.

The values of ConstraintSet::acceleration may still be modified after the set is bound to the model.

◆ CalcAssemblyQ()

RBDL_DLLAPI bool RigidBodyDynamics::CalcAssemblyQ ( Model &  model,
Math::VectorNd  QInit,
ConstraintSet CS,
Math::VectorNd QOutput,
const Math::VectorNd weights,
double  tolerance = 1e-12,
unsigned int  max_iter = 100 

Computes a feasible initial value of the generalized joint positions.

modelthe model
QInitinitial guess for the generalized positions of the joints
CSthe constraint set for which the error should be computed
QOutputvector of the generalized joint positions.
weightsweighting coefficients for the different joint positions.
tolerancethe function will return successfully if the constraint position error norm is lower than this value.
max_iterthe funciton will return unsuccessfully after performing this number of iterations.
true if the generalized joint positions were computed successfully, false otherwise.f

◆ CalcAssemblyQDot()

RBDL_DLLAPI void RigidBodyDynamics::CalcAssemblyQDot ( Model &  model,
const Math::VectorNd Q,
const Math::VectorNd QDotInit,
ConstraintSet CS,
Math::VectorNd QDotOutput,
const Math::VectorNd weights 

Computes a feasible initial value of the generalized joint velocities.

modelthe model
Qthe generalized joint position of the joints. It is assumed that this vector satisfies the position level assemblt constraints.
QDotInitinitial guess for the generalized velocities of the joints
CSthe constraint set for which the error should be computed
QDotOutputvector of the generalized joint velocities.
weightsweighting coefficients for the different joint positions.

◆ calcBaumgarteStabilizationForces()

void calcBaumgarteStabilizationForces ( unsigned int  groupIndex,
Model &  model,
const Math::VectorNd positionError,
const Math::VectorNd velocityError,
Math::VectorNd baumgarteForcesOutput 
groupIndexthe index number of this constraint (see getGroupIndex index functions)
modelthe multibody model
positionErrorthe position errors associated with this constraint computed using the calcConstraintPositionError function
velocityErrorthe velocity errors associated with this constraint computed using the calcConstraintVelocityError function
baumgarteForcesOutput(output) a reference to the vector of baumgarte stabilization forces applied to this this constraint.

◆ CalcConstrainedSystemVariables()

RBDL_DLLAPI void RigidBodyDynamics::CalcConstrainedSystemVariables ( Model &  model,
const Math::VectorNd Q,
const Math::VectorNd QDot,
const Math::VectorNd Tau,
ConstraintSet CSOutput,
bool  update_kinematics = true,
std::vector< Math::SpatialVector > *  f_ext = NULL 

Computes the terms $H$, $G$, and $\gamma$ of the constrained dynamic problem and stores them in the ConstraintSet.

modelthe model
Qthe generalized positions of the joints
QDotthe generalized velocities of the joints
Tauthe generalized forces of the joints
CSOutputthe constraint set for which the error should be computed
update_kinematicswhether the kinematics of the model should be updated from Q.
f_extExternal forces acting on the body in base coordinates (optional, defaults to NULL)
This function is normally called automatically in the various constrained dynamics functions, the user normally does not have to call it.

◆ CalcConstraintsJacobian()

RBDL_DLLAPI void RigidBodyDynamics::CalcConstraintsJacobian ( Model &  model,
const Math::VectorNd Q,
ConstraintSet CS,
Math::MatrixNd GOutput,
bool  update_kinematics = true 

Computes the Jacobian for the given ConstraintSet.

modelthe model
Qthe generalized positions of the joints
CSthe constraint set for which the Jacobian should be computed
GOutputmatrix where the output will be stored in
update_kinematicswhether the kinematics of the model should be updated from Q

◆ CalcConstraintsPositionError()

RBDL_DLLAPI void RigidBodyDynamics::CalcConstraintsPositionError ( Model &  model,
const Math::VectorNd Q,
ConstraintSet CS,
Math::VectorNd errOutput,
bool  update_kinematics = true 

Computes the position errors for the given ConstraintSet.

modelthe model
Qthe generalized positions of the joints
CSthe constraint set for which the error should be computed
errOutputvector where the error will be stored in (should have the size of CS).
update_kinematicswhether the kinematics of the model should be updated from Q.
the position error is always 0 for contact constraints.

◆ CalcConstraintsVelocityError()

RBDL_DLLAPI void RigidBodyDynamics::CalcConstraintsVelocityError ( Model &  model,
const Math::VectorNd Q,
const Math::VectorNd QDot,
ConstraintSet CS,
Math::VectorNd errOutput,
bool  update_kinematics = true 

Computes the velocity errors for the given ConstraintSet.

modelthe model
Qthe generalized positions of the joints
QDotthe generalized velocities of the joints
CSthe constraint set for which the error should be computed
errOutputvector where the error will be stored in (should have the size of CS).
update_kinematicswhether the kinematics of the model should be updated from Q.
this is equivalent to multiplying the constraint Jacobian by the generalized velocities of the joints.

◆ calcForces()

void calcForces ( unsigned int  groupIndex,
Model &  model,
const Math::VectorNd Q,
const Math::VectorNd QDot,
std::vector< unsigned int > &  updConstraintBodyIdsOutput,
std::vector< Math::SpatialTransform > &  updConstraintBodyFramesOutput,
std::vector< Math::SpatialVector > &  updConstraintForcesOutput,
bool  resolveAllInRootFrame = false,
bool  updateKinematics = false 

calcForces resolves the generalized forces generated by this constraint into equivalent spatial forces (resolved in the local or the base frame) that are applied between the bodies and frames that this constraint applies to.

Important: The values returned by this function are only valid after one of the dynamics methods (ForwardDynamicsConstraintsDirect, ForwardDynamicsConstraintsNullSpace, InverseDynamicsWithConstraints, etc) have been evaluated. Why? This function makes use of the Lagrange multipliers which are only evaluated when these dynamics-level functions are called.
groupIndexthe index number of this constraint (see getGroupIndex index functions)
modelthe multibody model
Qthe generalized positions of the model
QDotthe generalized velocities of the model
constraintBodyIdsOutputUpda reference to a vector of body ids in which the spatial forces are resolved into. The ordering for the standard constraints are as follows :
constraintBodyFramesOutputUpda reference to a vector of frames in which the spatial forces are resolved. The $i^{th}$ frame is located in the $i^{th}$ body id listed in constraintBodyIdsOutput.
constraintForcesOutputUpda reference to a vector of spatial forces generated by this constraint. The $i^{th}$ spatial force is resolved into the $i^{th}$ frame listed in constraintBodyFramesOutput.
  • false: spatial forces are resolved into the local frames attached to the bodies involved in this constraint
  • true: spatial forces are resolved into the base frame. Note that this means that all entires in constraintBodyIdsOutput will be 0, the frames in constraintFramesOutput will have their origins at the contact frames but with directions that match the base frame.
updateKinematicssetting this flag to true will trigger the kinematic transforms of the model to be updated.

◆ calcImpulses()

void calcImpulses ( unsigned int  groupIndex,
Model &  model,
const Math::VectorNd Q,
const Math::VectorNd QDot,
std::vector< unsigned int > &  constraintBodyIdsOutput,
std::vector< Math::SpatialTransform > &  constraintBodyFramesOutput,
std::vector< Math::SpatialVector > &  constraintImpulsesOutput,
bool  resolveAllInRootFrame = false,
bool  updateKinematics = false 

calcImpulses resolves the generalized impluses generated by this constraint into equivalent spatial impulses (resolved in the local or the base frame) that are applied between the bodies and frames that this constraint applies to.

Important: The values returned by this function are only valid after one of the impulse methods (ComputeConstraintImpulsesDirect, ComputeConstraintImpulsesNullSpace, etc) have been evaluated. Why? This function makes use of the Lagrange multipliers which are only evaluated when these dynamics-level functions are called.
groupIndexthe index number of this constraint (see getGroupIndex index functions)
modelthe multibody model
Qthe generalized positions of the model
QDotthe generalized velocities of the model
constraintBodyIdsOutputa vector of body ids in which the spatial forces are resolved into. The ordering for the standard constraints are as follows :
constraintBodyFramesOutputa vector of frames in which the spatial forces are resolved. The $i^{th}$ frame is located in the $i^{th}$ body id listed in constraintBodyIdsOutput.
constraintImpulsesOutputa vector of spatial impulses generated by this constraint. The $i^{th}$ spatial impulse is resolved into the $i^{th}$ frame listed in constraintBodyFramesOutput.
  • false: spatial impulses are resolved into the local frames attached to the bodies involved in this constraint
  • true: spatial impulses are resolved into the base frame. Note that this means that all entires in constraintBodyIdsOutput will be 0, the frames in constraintFramesOutput will have their origins at the contact frames but with directions that match the base frame.
updateKinematicssetting this flag to true will trigger the kinematic transforms of the model to be updated.

◆ calcPositionError()

void calcPositionError ( unsigned int  groupIndex,
Model &  model,
const Math::VectorNd Q,
Math::VectorNd positionErrorOutput,
bool  updateKinematics = false 

calcPositionError calculates the vector of position errors associated with this constraint. Note that if the constraint group, or parts of it, are not defined at the position level then 0's will be returned.

groupIndexthe index number of this constraint (see getGroupIndex index functions)
modelthe multibody model
Qthe generalized positions of the model
positionErrorOutput(output) a reference to the vector of constraint errors
updateKinematicssetting this flag to true will trigger the kinematic transforms of the model to be updated.

◆ calcVelocityError()

void calcVelocityError ( unsigned int  groupIndex,
Model &  model,
const Math::VectorNd Q,
const Math::VectorNd QDot,
Math::VectorNd velocityErrorOutput,
bool  updateKinematics = false 

calcVelocityError calculates the vector of position errors associated with this constraint. Note that if the constraint group, or parts of it, are not defined at the position level then 0's will be returned.

groupIndexthe index number of this constraint (see getGroupIndex index functions)
modelthe multibody model
Qthe generalized positions of the model
QDotthe generalized velocities of the model
velocityErrorOutput(output) the vector of constraint errors at the velocity level
updateKinematicssetting this flag to true will trigger the kinematic transforms of the model to be updated.

◆ clear()

void clear ( )

Clears all variables in the constraint set.

◆ ComputeConstraintImpulsesDirect()

RBDL_DLLAPI void RigidBodyDynamics::ComputeConstraintImpulsesDirect ( Model &  model,
const Math::VectorNd Q,
const Math::VectorNd QDotMinus,
ConstraintSet CS,
Math::VectorNd QDotPlusOutput 

Computes contact gain by constructing and solving the full lagrangian equation.

This method builds and solves the linear system

\[ \left( \begin{array}{cc} H & G^T \\ G & 0 \end{array} \right) \left( \begin{array}{c} \dot{q}^{+} \\ \Lambda \end{array} \right) = \left( \begin{array}{c} H \dot{q}^{-} \\ v^{+} \end{array} \right) \]

where $H$ is the joint space inertia matrix computed with the CompositeRigidBodyAlgorithm(), $G$ are the point Jacobians of the contact points, $\dot{q}^{+}$ the generalized velocity after the impact, $\Lambda$ the impulses at each constraint, $\dot{q}^{-}$ the generalized velocity before the impact, and $v^{+}$ the desired velocity of each constraint after the impact (known beforehand, usually 0). The value of $v^{+}$ can is specified via the variable ConstraintSet::v_plus and defaults to 0.

So far, only constraints acting along cartesian coordinate axes are allowed (i.e. (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), and (0, 0, 1)). Also, one must not specify redundant constraints!
To increase performance group constraints body and pointwise such that constraints acting on the same body point are sequentially in ConstraintSet. This can save computation of point Jacobians $G$.
modelrigid body model
Qstate vector of the internal joints
QDotMinusvelocity vector of the internal joints before the impact
CSthe set of active constraints
QDotPlusOutputvelocities of the internals joints after the impact

◆ ComputeConstraintImpulsesNullSpace()

RBDL_DLLAPI void RigidBodyDynamics::ComputeConstraintImpulsesNullSpace ( Model &  model,
const Math::VectorNd Q,
const Math::VectorNd QDotMinus,
ConstraintSet CS,
Math::VectorNd QDotPlusOutput 

Resolves contact gain using SolveContactSystemNullSpace()

modelrigid body model
Qstate vector of the internal joints
QDotMinusvelocity vector of the internal joints before the impact
CSthe set of active constraints
QDotPlusOutputvelocities of the internals joints after the impact

◆ ComputeConstraintImpulsesRangeSpaceSparse()

RBDL_DLLAPI void RigidBodyDynamics::ComputeConstraintImpulsesRangeSpaceSparse ( Model &  model,
const Math::VectorNd Q,
const Math::VectorNd QDotMinus,
ConstraintSet CS,
Math::VectorNd QDotPlusOutput 

Resolves contact gain using SolveContactSystemRangeSpaceSparse()

modelrigid body model
Qstate vector of the internal joints
QDotMinusvelocity vector of the internal joints before the impact
CSthe set of active constraints
QDotPlusOutputvelocities of the internals joints after the impact

◆ Copy()

ConstraintSet Copy ( )

Copies the constraints and resets its ConstraintSet::bound flag.

Definition at line 798 of file Constraints.h.

References ConstraintSet::bound.

◆ disableBaumgarteStabilization()

void disableBaumgarteStabilization ( unsigned int  groupIndex)
groupIndexthe index number of this constraint (see getGroupIndex index functions)

Definition at line 681 of file Constraints.h.

◆ enableBaumgarteStabilization()

void enableBaumgarteStabilization ( unsigned int  groupIndex)
groupIndexthe index number of this constraint (see getGroupIndex index functions)

Definition at line 672 of file Constraints.h.

◆ ForwardDynamicsConstraintsDirect()

RBDL_DLLAPI void RigidBodyDynamics::ForwardDynamicsConstraintsDirect ( Model &  model,
const Math::VectorNd Q,
const Math::VectorNd QDot,
const Math::VectorNd Tau,
ConstraintSet CS,
Math::VectorNd QDDotOutput,
bool  update_kinematics = true,
std::vector< Math::SpatialVector > *  f_ext = NULL 

Computes forward dynamics with contact by constructing and solving the full lagrangian equation.

This method builds and solves the linear system

\[ \left( \begin{array}{cc} H & G^T \\ G & 0 \end{array} \right) \left( \begin{array}{c} \ddot{q} \\ -\lambda \end{array} \right) = \left( \begin{array}{c} -C + \tau \\ \gamma \end{array} \right) \]

where $H$ is the joint space inertia matrix computed with the CompositeRigidBodyAlgorithm(), $G$ are the point Jacobians of the contact points, $C$ the bias force (sometimes called "non-linear effects"), and $\gamma$ the generalized acceleration independent part of the contact point accelerations.

This function works with ContactConstraints, LoopConstraints and Custom Constraints. Nonetheless, this method will not tolerate redundant constraints.
To increase performance group constraints body and pointwise such that constraints acting on the same body point are sequentially in ConstraintSet. This can save computation of point Jacobians $G$.
modelrigid body model
Qstate vector of the internal joints
QDotvelocity vector of the internal joints
Tauactuations of the internal joints
CSthe description of all acting constraints
QDDotOutputaccelerations of the internals joints
update_kinematicswhether the kinematics of the model should be updated from Q.
f_extExternal forces acting on the body in base coordinates (optional, defaults to NULL)
During execution of this function values such as ConstraintSet::force get modified and will contain the value of the force acting along the normal.

◆ ForwardDynamicsConstraintsNullSpace()

RBDL_DLLAPI void RigidBodyDynamics::ForwardDynamicsConstraintsNullSpace ( Model &  model,
const Math::VectorNd Q,
const Math::VectorNd QDot,
const Math::VectorNd Tau,
ConstraintSet CS,
Math::VectorNd QDDotOutput,
bool  update_kinematics = true,
std::vector< Math::SpatialVector > *  f_ext = NULL 

◆ ForwardDynamicsConstraintsRangeSpaceSparse()

RBDL_DLLAPI void RigidBodyDynamics::ForwardDynamicsConstraintsRangeSpaceSparse ( Model &  model,
const Math::VectorNd Q,
const Math::VectorNd QDot,
const Math::VectorNd Tau,
ConstraintSet CS,
Math::VectorNd QDDotOutput,
bool  update_kinematics = true,
std::vector< Math::SpatialVector > *  f_ext = NULL 

◆ ForwardDynamicsContactsKokkevis()

RBDL_DLLAPI void RigidBodyDynamics::ForwardDynamicsContactsKokkevis ( Model &  model,
const Math::VectorNd Q,
const Math::VectorNd QDot,
const Math::VectorNd Tau,
ConstraintSet CS,
Math::VectorNd QDDotOutput 

Computes forward dynamics that accounts for active contacts in ConstraintSet.

The method used here is the one described by Kokkevis and Metaxas in the Paper "Practical Physics for Articulated Characters", Game Developers Conference, 2004.

It does this by recursively computing the inverse articulated-body inertia (IABI) $\Phi_{i,j}$ which is then used to build and solve a system of the form:

\[ \left( \begin{array}{c} \dot{v}_1 \\ \dot{v}_2 \\ \vdots \\ \dot{v}_n \end{array} \right) = \left( \begin{array}{cccc} \Phi_{1,1} & \Phi_{1,2} & \cdots & \Phi{1,n} \\ \Phi_{2,1} & \Phi_{2,2} & \cdots & \Phi{2,n} \\ \cdots & \cdots & \cdots & \vdots \\ \Phi_{n,1} & \Phi_{n,2} & \cdots & \Phi{n,n} \end{array} \right) \left( \begin{array}{c} f_1 \\ f_2 \\ \vdots \\ f_n \end{array} \right) + \left( \begin{array}{c} \phi_1 \\ \phi_2 \\ \vdots \\ \phi_n \end{array} \right). \]

Here $n$ is the number of constraints and the method for building the system uses the Articulated Body Algorithm to efficiently compute entries of the system. The values $\dot{v}_i$ are the constraint accelerations, $f_i$ the constraint forces, and $\phi_i$ are the constraint bias forces.

modelrigid body model
Qstate vector of the internal joints
QDotvelocity vector of the internal joints
Tauactuations of the internal joints
CSa list of all contact points
QDDotOutputaccelerations of the internals joints
During execution of this function values such as ConstraintSet::force get modified and will contain the value of the force acting along the normal.
This function supports only contact constraints.
Allow for external forces

◆ getBaumgarteStabilizationCoefficients()

void getBaumgarteStabilizationCoefficients ( unsigned int  groupIndex,
Math::Vector2d baumgartePositionVelocityCoefficientsOutput 

Definition at line 687 of file Constraints.h.

◆ getGroupAssignedId()

unsigned int getGroupAssignedId ( unsigned int  groupIndex)

Returns assigned id of the constraint group which will be the first id assigned to an entry in a group (if the grouping was done automatically - as is done for contact and loop constraints).

groupIndexthe index number of a constraint group.
the assigned of the constraint group. For constraints that are grouped automatically (e.g. contact and loop constraints) the assigned id will be the assigned id fo the of the first constraint added to the group. For constraints which are not automatically grouped (e.g. CustomConstraints) the assigned id is identical to the one returned when the constraint was added to the constraint set (e.g. when AddCustomConstraint was called).

Definition at line 432 of file Constraints.h.

◆ getGroupId()

unsigned int getGroupId ( unsigned int  groupIndex)

Returns the user-defined-id of the constraint group, which may differ from the names entered by the user if the constraint is one in which grouping is done automatically (e.g. contact and loop constraints).

groupIndexthe index number of a constraint group.
the user-defined-id of the constraint group. For constraints that are grouped automatically (e.g. contact and loop constraints) the user-defined-id will be the user-defined-id fo the of the first constraint added to the group. For constraints which are not automatically grouped (e.g. CustomConstraints) the user-defined-id is identical to the one the user assigned (optionally) when the constraint was added to the constraint set (e.g. when AddCustomConstraint was called).

Definition at line 411 of file Constraints.h.

◆ getGroupIndexByAssignedId()

unsigned int getGroupIndexByAssignedId ( unsigned int  assignedId)

getGroupIndex returns the index to a constraints that have been grouped because they are of the same type, apply to the same bodies, and apply to the same local frames on each body.

assignedId: the integer id that was returned when the constraint was added to the constraint set by the functions: AddContactConstraint, AddLoopConstraint, AddCustomConstraint, etc.
: the group index of the constraint

Definition at line 337 of file Constraints.h.

◆ getGroupIndexById()

unsigned int getGroupIndexById ( unsigned int  userDefinedId)

getGroupIndex returns the index to a constraints that have been grouped because they are of the same type, apply to the same bodies, and apply to the same local frames on each body.

userDefinedId: the optional integer id that was assigned to this constraint when it was created.
: the group index of the constraint

Definition at line 320 of file Constraints.h.

◆ getGroupIndexByName()

unsigned int getGroupIndexByName ( const char *  userDefinedName)

getGroupIndex returns the index to a constraints that have been grouped because they are of the same type, apply to the same bodies, and apply to the same local frames on each body.

Internally this function makes a temporary string. If speed is a concern then do not call this function in a loop: either save the index locally, use the userDefinedId (which is an integer), or use the assigned id (also an integer).
userDefinedName: the optional name that the constraint was assigned when it was added to the constraint set.
: the group index of the constraint

Definition at line 304 of file Constraints.h.

◆ getGroupIndexMax()

unsigned int getGroupIndexMax ( )

getGroupIndexMax returns the maximum valid constraint group index (the min. is zero) so that constraint groups can be iterated over if desired.

the largest group index

Definition at line 348 of file Constraints.h.

◆ getGroupName()

const char * getGroupName ( unsigned int  groupIndex)

Returns the name of the constraint group, which may differ from the names entered by the user if the constraint is one in which grouping is done automatically (e.g. contact and loop constraints)

groupIndexthe index number of a constraint group.
the name of the constraint group. For constraints that are grouped automatically (e.g. contact and loop constraints) the group name is the name of the first constraint added to the group. For constraints which are not automatically grouped (e.g. CustomConstraints) the group name is identical to the optional name used when the constraint was added to the constraint set (e.g. when AddCustomConstraint was called).

Definition at line 368 of file Constraints.h.

◆ getGroupSize()

unsigned int getGroupSize ( unsigned int  groupIndex)

Returns the number of constraint equations in this group.

groupIndexthe index number of a constraint group.
the number of constraint equations in this group. If this is a constraint where constraints are automatically grouped (e.g. contact and loop constraints) the size might be larger than you expect.

Definition at line 380 of file Constraints.h.

◆ getGroupType()

unsigned int getGroupType ( unsigned int  groupIndex)

Returns integer corresponding to the ConstraintType.

groupIndexthe index number of a constraint group.
the integer that corresponds to the ConstraintType of this constraint group.

Definition at line 390 of file Constraints.h.

◆ InverseDynamicsConstraints()

RBDL_DLLAPI void RigidBodyDynamics::InverseDynamicsConstraints ( Model &  model,
const Math::VectorNd Q,
const Math::VectorNd QDot,
const Math::VectorNd QDDotDesired,
ConstraintSet CS,
Math::VectorNd QDDotOutput,
Math::VectorNd TauOutput,
bool  update_kinematics = true,
std::vector< Math::SpatialVector > *  f_ext = NULL 

An inverse-dynamics operator that can be applied to fully-actuated constrained systems.

  1. Set the actuated degrees-of-freedom using RigidBodyDynamics::ConstraintSet::SetActuationMap prior to calling this function.
  2. Use the function RigidBodyDynamics::isConstrainedSystemFullyActuated to determine if a system is fully actuated or not.
This function implements an inverse-dynamics operator defined by Koch (1) (described in Eqn. 5.20) that can be applied to fully-actuated constraint systems and will solve for a set of physically-consistent $\ddot{q}$ and $\ddot{tau}$ given a desired $\ddot{q}^*$.
To see test if a constrained system is fully actuated please use the function RigidBodyDynamics::isConstrainedSystemFullyActuated. If the constrained system is not fully actuated then the method RigidBodyDynamics::InverseDynamicsConstraintsRelaxed must be used instead.
For a detailed explanation of the systems which cause this method to fail please read the text following Eqn. 5.20 in Koch's thesis, and the example that is given in Sec. 3 on pg 66. A brief summary is presented below.
To begin,the generalized accelerations are partitioned into actuated parts $u$ and unactuated parts $v$

\[ u = S \ddot{q} \]

where $S$ is an $n_a$ (number of actuated degrees-of-freedom) by $n$ (number of degrees of freedom of the unconstrained system) selection matrix that picks out the actuated indices in $\ddot{q}$ and

\[ v = P \ddot{q} \]

where $P$ is an $n_u=n-n_a$ (number of unactuated degrees-of-freedom) by $n$ selection matrix that picks out the unactuated indices in $\ddot{q}$. By construction

\[ \left(\begin{array}{cc} PP^T & 0 \\ 0 & SS^T \end{array}\right) = I_{n} \]

and thus

\[ \ddot{q} = S u + P v \]

We begin by projecting the constrained equations of motion

\[ \left( \begin{array}{cc} H & G^T \\ G & 0 \end{array} \right) \left( \begin{array}{c} \ddot{q} \\ -\lambda \end{array} \right) =\left( \begin{array}{c} \tau - C\\ \gamma \end{array} \right) \]

and adding the constraint that

\[ u - S \ddot{q}^* = 0 \]

where $\ddot{q}^*$ is a vector of desired accelerations. By considering only forces that are applied to the actuated parts (that is $S \tau$) we can rearrange the system of equations

\[ \left( \begin{array}{ccc} H & G^T & S^T\\ G & 0 & 0 \\ S & 0 & 0 \\ \end{array} \right) \left( \begin{array}{c} \ddot{q} \\ -\lambda \\ -\tau \end{array} \right) =\left( \begin{array}{c} - C\\ \gamma \\ S\ddot{q}^* \end{array} \right) \]

By projecting this onto the onto the $S$ and $P$ spaces

\[ \left( \begin{array}{cccc} S H S^T & S M P^T & S G^T & I \\ P M S^T & P M P^T & P G^T & 0\\ G S^T & G P^T & 0 & 0 \\ I & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ \end{array} \right) \left( \begin{array}{c} u \\ v \\ -\lambda\\ -\tau \end{array} \right) = \left( \begin{array}{c} -SC\\ -PC\\ \gamma\\ S \ddot{q}^* \end{array} \right) \]

it becomes clear that this system of equations will be singular if $GP^T$ loses rank. Thus this method is appropriate to use provided that

\[ \text{rank}( GP^T ) = n - n_a. \]

The implementation exploits the triangular structure of the matrix which means that only two linear systems of size $(c \times u)$ and $(u \times c)$ are performed which is much faster than solving the $(2n \times 2n)$ KKT matrix directly.


  1. Koch KH (2015). Using model-based optimal control for conceptional motion generation for the humannoid robot hrp-2 and design investigations for exo-skeletons. Heidelberg University (Doctoral dissertation).
modelrigid body model
QN-element vector of generalized positions
QDotN-element vector of generalized velocities
QDDotDesiredN-element vector of desired generalized accelerations ( $\ddot{q}^*$ in the above equation)
CSStructure that contains information about the set of kinematic constraints. Note that the 'force' vector is appropriately updated after this function is called so that it contains the Lagrange multipliers.
QDDotOutputN-element vector of generalized accelerations which satisfy the kinematic constraints ( $\ddot{q}$ in the above equation)
TauOutputN-element vector of generalized forces which satisfy the the equations of motion for this constrained system.
update_kinematicswhether the kinematics of the model should be updated from Q.
f_extExternal forces acting on the body in base coordinates (optional, defaults to NULL)

◆ InverseDynamicsConstraintsRelaxed()

RBDL_DLLAPI void RigidBodyDynamics::InverseDynamicsConstraintsRelaxed ( Model &  model,
const Math::VectorNd Q,
const Math::VectorNd QDot,
const Math::VectorNd QDDotControls,
ConstraintSet CS,
Math::VectorNd QDDotOutput,
Math::VectorNd TauOutput,
bool  update_kinematics = true,
std::vector< Math::SpatialVector > *  f_ext = NULL 

A relaxed inverse-dynamics operator that can be applied to under-actuated or fully-actuated constrained multibody systems.

Important Set the actuated degrees-of-freedom using RigidBodyDynamics::ConstraintSet::SetActuationMap prior to calling this function.
This function implements the relaxed inverse-dynamics operator defined by Koch [1] and Kudruss [2]. When given a vector of generalized positions, generalized velocities, and desired generalized accelerations will solve for a set of generalized accelerations and forces which satisfy the constrained equations of motion such that the solution is close to a vector of desired acceleration controls $x$

\[ \min{\ddot{q}} \dfrac{1}{2} \ddot{q}^T H \ddot{q} + C^T \ddot{q} + \dfrac{1}{2}(Sx-S\ddot{q})^{T} W (Sx-S\ddot{q}) \]


\[ G \ddot{q} = \gamma. \]

In contrast to the RigidBodyDynamics::InverseDynamicsConstraints method, this method can work with underactuated systems. Mathematically this method does not depend on

\[ \text{rank}(GP^T) < n-n_a \]

where $n$ is the number of degrees of freedom and $n_a$ is the number of actuated degrees of freedom.
For those readers who are unfamiliar with quadratic programs (QP), like the constrained minimization problem above, read the following important notes. One consequence of this additional flexibility is that the term $x$ should now be interpreted as a control vector:
  1. The minimum of the above constrained QP may not be $x = S\ddot{q}^*$ where $\ddot{q}^*$ is the vector of desired accelerations. The terms $\dfrac{1}{2} \ddot{q}^T H \ddot{q}$ will $C^T \ddot{q}$ pull the solution away from this value and the constraint $G \ddot{q} = \gamma$ may make it impossible to exactly satisfy $S\ddot{q}*=S\ddot{q}$.
  2. Koch's original formulation has been modifed so that setting $x = \ddot{q}^*$ will yield a solution for $\ddot{q}$ that is close to $\ddot{q}^*$. However, even if an exact solution for $\ddot{q} = \ddot{q}^*$ exists it will may not be realized using $x = \ddot{q}*$. Iteration may be required.

To solve the above constrained minimization problem we take the derivative of the above system of equations w.r.t. $\ddot{q}$ and $\lambda$ set the result to zero and solve. This results in the KKT system

\[ \left( \begin{array}{cc} H+K & G^T \\ G & 0 \end{array} \right) \left( \begin{array}{c} \ddot{q} \\ -\lambda \end{array} \right) =\left( \begin{array}{c} (S^T W S)x - C\\ \gamma \end{array} \right). \]

This system of linear equations is not solved directly, but instead the null-space formulation presented in Sec. 2.5 of Koch as it is much faster. As with the RigidBodyDynamics::InverseDynamicsConstraints method the matrices $S$ and $P$ select the actuated and unactuated parts of

\[\ddot{q} = S^T u + P^T v \]

, and

\[u^* = S^T x \]

, where $ S $ is a selection matrix that returns the actuated subspace of $ \ddot{q} $ ( $ S\ddot{q} $) and $ P $ returns the unactuated subspace of $ \ddot{q} $ ( $ P\ddot{q} $).

\[ \left( \begin{array}{ccc} S H S^T+W & S M P^T & S G^T \\ P M S^T & P M P^T & P G^T \\ G S^T & G P^T & 0 \end{array} \right) \left( \begin{array}{c} u \\ v \\ -\lambda \end{array} \right) = \left( \begin{array}{c} Wu^* -SC\\ -PC\\ \gamma \end{array} \right) \]

This system has an upper block triangular structure which can be seen by noting that

\[ J^T = \left( \begin{array}{c} S G^T \\ P G^T \end{array} \right), \]

by grouping the upper $2 \times 2$ block into

\[ F = \left( \begin{array}{cc} SMS^T + W & SMP^T \\ PMS^T & PMP^T \end{array} \right), \]

and by grouping the right hand side into

\[ g = \left( \begin{array}{c} -Wu^* + SC \\ PC \end{array} \right) \]

resulting in

\[ \left( \begin{array}{cc} F & J^T \\ J & 0 \end{array} \right) \left( \begin{array}{c} p \\ -\lambda \end{array} \right) = \left( \begin{array}{c} -g \\ \gamma \end{array} \right) \]

This system can be triangularized by projecting the system into the null space of $G^T$. First we begin with a QR decomposition of $G^T$ into

\[ J^T = \left( Y \, Z \right)\left( \begin{array}{c} R \\ 0 \end{array} \right) \]

and projecting $(u,v)$ into the space $[Y,Z]$

\[ p = Y p_Y + Z p_Z. \]

This allows us to express the previous KKT system as

\[ \left( \begin{array}{ccc} Y^T F Y & Y^T F Z & R \\ Z^T F Y & Z^T F Z & 0 \\ R^T & 0 & 0 \end{array} \right) \left( \begin{array}{c} p_Y \\ p_Z \\ -\lambda \end{array} \right) = \left( \begin{array}{c} -Y^T g \\ -Z^T g \\ \gamma \end{array} \right) \]

Though this system is still $(n+c) \times (n+c)$ it can be solved in parts for $p_Y$

\[ R^T p_Y = \gamma, \]

and $p_Z$

\[ (Z^T F Z) p_Z = -(Z^T F Y)p_Y - Z^T g \]

which is enough to yield a solution for

\[\left( \begin{array}{c} u \\ v \end{array} \right) = (Y p_Y + Z p_Z) \]

and finally

\[ \ddot{q} = S^T u + P^T v. \]

This method is less computationally expensive than the KKT system directly since
$R$ is of size $ c \times c $ and $ (Z^T F Z)$ is of size $ (n-c) \times (n-c) $ which is far smaller than the $ (n+c) \times (n+c) $ matrix used in the direct method. As it is relatively inexpensive, the dual variables are also evaluated

\[ R \lambda = (Y^T FY)p_Y + (Y^T F Z)p_Z + Y^T g \]


\[ \tau = S^T W S (x-\ddot{q}) \]

Two modifications have been made to this implementation to bring the solution to $S \ddot{q}$ much closer to $S x$
  1. The vector $u^*$ has been modifed to $u^* = Sx + (S^T W^{-1} S)C$ so that the term $SC$ in the upper right hand side is compensated
  2. The weighting matrix $W$ has a main diagional that is scaled to be uniformly 100 times larger than the biggest element in M. This will drive the solution closer to $S x$ without hurting the scaling of the matrix too badly.
The Lagrange multipliers are solved for and stored in the ‘force’ field of the ConstraintSet structure.
The sign of $\gamma$ in this documentation is consistent with RBDL and it is equal to $-1$ times the right hand side of the constraint expressed at the acceleration-level. It is more common to see $-\gamma$, in the literature and define $\gamma$ as the positive right-hand side of the acceleration equation.


  1. Koch KH (2015). Using model-based optimal control for conceptional motion generation for the humannoid robot hrp-2 and design investigations for exo-skeletons. Heidelberg University (Doctoral dissertation).
  2. Kudruss M (under review as of May 2019). Nonlinear model-predictive control for the motion generation of humanoids. Heidelberg University (Doctoral dissertation)
modelrigid body model
QN-element vector of generalized positions
QDotN-element vector of generalized velocities
QDDotControlsN-element vector of generalized acceleration controls ( $x$ in the above equation). If the idea of a control vector is unclear please read the above text for additional details.
CSStructure that contains information about the set of kinematic constraints. Note that the 'force' vector is appropriately updated after this function is called so that it contains the Lagrange multipliers.
QDDotOutputN-element vector of generalized accelerations which satisfy the kinematic constraints ( $\ddot{q}$ in the above equation)
TauOutputN-element vector of generalized forces which satisfy the the equations of motion for this constrained system.
update_kinematicswhether the kinematics of the model should be updated from Q.
f_extExternal forces acting on the body in base coordinates (optional, defaults to NULL)

◆ isBaumgarteStabilizationEnabled()

bool isBaumgarteStabilizationEnabled ( unsigned int  groupIndex)
groupIndexthe index number of this constraint (see getGroupIndex index functions)
true if Baumgarte stabilization is enabled

Definition at line 663 of file Constraints.h.

◆ isConstrainedSystemFullyActuated()

RBDL_DLLAPI bool RigidBodyDynamics::isConstrainedSystemFullyActuated ( Model &  model,
const Math::VectorNd Q,
const Math::VectorNd QDot,
ConstraintSet CS,
bool  update_kinematics = true,
std::vector< Math::SpatialVector > *  f_ext = NULL 

A method to evaluate if the constrained system is fully actuated.

This method will evaluate the rank of $(GP^T)$ in order to assess if the constrained system is fully actuated or is under actuated. If the system is fully actuated the exact method RigidBodyDynamics::InverseDynamicsConstraints can be used, otherwise only relaxed method RigidBodyDynamics::InverseDynamicsConstraintsRelaxed can be used.
This method uses a relatively slow but accurate method to evaluate the rank.
modelrigid body model
QN-element vector of generalized positions
QDotN-element vector of generalized velocities
CSStructure that contains information about the set of kinematic constraints.
update_kinematicswhether the kinematics of the model should be updated from Q.
f_extExternal forces acting on the body in base coordinates (optional, defaults to NULL)

◆ SetActuationMap()

void SetActuationMap ( const Model &  model,
const std::vector< bool > &  actuatedDof 

Initializes and allocates memory needed for InverseDynamicsConstraints and InverseDynamicsConstraintsRelaxed.

This function allocates the temporary vectors and matrices needed for the RigidBodyDynamics::InverseDynamicsConstraints and RigidBodyDynamics::InverseDynamicsConstraintsRelaxed methods. In addition, the constant matrices S and P are set here. This function needs to be called once before calling either RigidBodyDynamics::InverseDynamicsConstraints or RigidBodyDynamics::InverseDynamicsConstraintsRelaxed. It does not ever need be called again, unless the actuated degrees of freedom change, or the constraint set changes.

modelrigid body model
actuatedDof: a vector that is q_size in length (or dof_count in length) which has a 'true' entry for every generalized degree-of freedom that is driven by an actuator and 'false' for every degree-of-freedom that is not.

◆ SetSolver()

void SetSolver ( Math::LinearSolver  solver)

Specifies which method should be used for solving undelying linear systems.

Definition at line 807 of file Constraints.h.

◆ size()

size_t size ( ) const

Returns the number of constraints.

Definition at line 849 of file Constraints.h.

◆ SolveConstrainedSystemDirect()

RBDL_DLLAPI void RigidBodyDynamics::SolveConstrainedSystemDirect ( Math::MatrixNd H,
const Math::MatrixNd G,
const Math::VectorNd c,
const Math::VectorNd gamma,
Math::VectorNd lambda,
Math::MatrixNd A,
Math::VectorNd b,
Math::VectorNd x,
Math::LinearSolver &  linear_solver 

Solves the full contact system directly, i.e. simultaneously for contact forces and joint accelerations.

This solves a $ (n_\textit{dof} + n_c) \times (n_\textit{dof} + n_c$ linear system.

Hthe joint space inertia matrix
Gthe constraint Jacobian
cthe $ \mathbb{R}^{n_\textit{dof}}$ vector of the upper part of the right hand side of the system
gammathe $ \mathbb{R}^{n_c}$ vector of the lower part of the right hand side of the system
lambdaresult: constraint forces
Awork-space for the matrix of the linear system
bwork-space for the right-hand-side of the linear system
xwork-space for the solution of the linear system
linear_solvertype of solver that should be used to solve the system

◆ SolveConstrainedSystemNullSpace()

RBDL_DLLAPI void RigidBodyDynamics::SolveConstrainedSystemNullSpace ( Math::MatrixNd H,
const Math::MatrixNd G,
const Math::VectorNd c,
const Math::VectorNd gamma,
Math::VectorNd qddot,
Math::VectorNd lambda,
Math::MatrixNd Y,
Math::MatrixNd Z,
Math::VectorNd qddot_y,
Math::VectorNd qddot_z,
Math::LinearSolver &  linear_solver 

Solves the contact system by first solving for the joint accelerations and then for the constraint forces.

This methods requires a $n_\textit{dof} \times n_\textit{dof}$ matrix of the form $\left[ \ Y \ | Z \ \right]$ with the property $GZ = 0$ that can be computed using a QR decomposition (e.g. see code for ForwardDynamicsContactsNullSpace()).

Hthe joint space inertia matrix
Gthe constraint Jacobian
cthe $ \mathbb{R}^{n_\textit{dof}}$ vector of the upper part of the right hand side of the system
gammathe $ \mathbb{R}^{n_c}$ vector of the lower part of the right hand side of the system
qddotresult: joint accelerations
lambdaresult: constraint forces
Ybasis for the range-space of the constraints
Zbasis for the null-space of the constraints
qddot_ywork-space of size $\mathbb{R}^{n_\textit{dof}}$
qddot_zwork-space of size $\mathbb{R}^{n_\textit{dof}}$
linear_solvertype of solver that should be used to solve the system

◆ SolveConstrainedSystemRangeSpaceSparse()

RBDL_DLLAPI void RigidBodyDynamics::SolveConstrainedSystemRangeSpaceSparse ( Model &  model,
Math::MatrixNd H,
const Math::MatrixNd G,
const Math::VectorNd c,
const Math::VectorNd gamma,
Math::VectorNd qddot,
Math::VectorNd lambda,
Math::MatrixNd K,
Math::VectorNd a,
Math::LinearSolver  linear_solver 

Solves the contact system by first solving for the the joint accelerations and then the contact forces using a sparse matrix decomposition of the joint space inertia matrix.

This method exploits the branch-induced sparsity by the structure preserving $L^TL $ decomposition described in RBDL, Section 6.5.

modelrigid body model
Hthe joint space inertia matrix
Gthe constraint Jacobian
cthe $ \mathbb{R}^{n_\textit{dof}}$ vector of the upper part of the right hand side of the system
gammathe $ \mathbb{R}^{n_c}$ vector of the lower part of the right hand side of the system
qddotresult: joint accelerations
lambdaresult: constraint forces
Kwork-space for the matrix of the constraint force linear system
awork-space for the right-hand-side of the constraint force linear system
linear_solvertype of solver that should be used to solve the constraint force system

Variable Documentation

◆ A

Workspace for the Lagrangian left-hand-side matrix.

Definition at line 915 of file Constraints.h.

◆ a

Workspace for the accelerations of due to the test forces.

Definition at line 963 of file Constraints.h.

◆ b

Workspace for the Lagrangian right-hand-side.

Definition at line 917 of file Constraints.h.

◆ bound

bool bound

Whether the constraint set was bound to a model (mandatory!).

Definition at line 859 of file Constraints.h.

◆ C

Workspace for the coriolis forces.

Definition at line 908 of file Constraints.h.

◆ cache

Definition at line 990 of file Constraints.h.

◆ constraints

std::vector< std::shared_ptr<Constraint> > constraints

Definition at line 883 of file Constraints.h.

◆ constraintType

std::vector<ConstraintType> constraintType

Definition at line 862 of file Constraints.h.

◆ contactConstraints

std::vector< std::shared_ptr<ContactConstraint> > contactConstraints

Definition at line 885 of file Constraints.h.

◆ d_a

std::vector<Math::SpatialVector> d_a

Workspace for the acceleration due to the test force.

Definition at line 978 of file Constraints.h.

◆ d_d

Workspace when applying constraint forces.

Definition at line 986 of file Constraints.h.

◆ d_IA

std::vector<Math::SpatialMatrix> d_IA

Workspace for the inertia when applying constraint forces.

Definition at line 982 of file Constraints.h.

◆ d_multdof3_u

std::vector<Math::Vector3d> d_multdof3_u

Definition at line 988 of file Constraints.h.

◆ d_pA

std::vector<Math::SpatialVector> d_pA

Workspace for the bias force due to the test force.

Definition at line 976 of file Constraints.h.

◆ d_u

Definition at line 979 of file Constraints.h.

◆ d_U

std::vector<Math::SpatialVector> d_U

Workspace when applying constraint forces.

Definition at line 984 of file Constraints.h.

◆ err

Position error for the Baumgarte stabilization

Definition at line 891 of file Constraints.h.

◆ errd

Velocity error for the Baumgarte stabilization

Definition at line 893 of file Constraints.h.

◆ F

Definition at line 935 of file Constraints.h.

◆ f_ext_constraints

std::vector<Math::SpatialVector> f_ext_constraints

Workspace for the actual spatial forces.

Definition at line 971 of file Constraints.h.

◆ f_t

std::vector<Math::SpatialVector> f_t

Workspace for the test forces.

Definition at line 969 of file Constraints.h.

◆ Fll

Definition at line 936 of file Constraints.h.

◆ Flr

Definition at line 936 of file Constraints.h.

◆ force

The Lagrange multipliers, which due to some careful normalization in the formulation of constraints are the constraint forces.

Definition at line 897 of file Constraints.h.

◆ Ful

Definition at line 936 of file Constraints.h.

◆ Fur

Definition at line 936 of file Constraints.h.

◆ G

Workspace for the constraint Jacobian.

Definition at line 912 of file Constraints.h.

◆ g

Definition at line 940 of file Constraints.h.

◆ gamma

Workspace of the right hand side of the acceleration equation.

Definition at line 910 of file Constraints.h.


Definition at line 952 of file Constraints.h.

◆ GPT_full_qr

Eigen::FullPivHouseholderQR<Math::MatrixNd> GPT_full_qr

Definition at line 948 of file Constraints.h.

◆ GT

Definition at line 938 of file Constraints.h.

◆ GT_qr

Eigen::HouseholderQR<Math::MatrixNd> GT_qr

Workspace for the QR decomposition of the null-space method.

Definition at line 947 of file Constraints.h.

◆ GT_qr_Q

Math::MatrixNd GT_qr_Q

Definition at line 951 of file Constraints.h.

◆ GTl

Definition at line 939 of file Constraints.h.

◆ GTu

Definition at line 939 of file Constraints.h.

◆ H

Workspace for the joint space inertia matrix.

Definition at line 906 of file Constraints.h.

◆ idGroupMap

std::map< unsigned int, unsigned int> idGroupMap

Definition at line 868 of file Constraints.h.

◆ impulse

Math::VectorNd impulse

Constraint impulses along the constraint directions.

Definition at line 899 of file Constraints.h.

◆ K

Workspace for the Inverse Articulated-Body Inertia.

Definition at line 961 of file Constraints.h.

◆ linear_solver

Math::LinearSolver linear_solver

Method that should be used to solve internal linear systems.

Definition at line 857 of file Constraints.h.

◆ loopConstraints

std::vector< std::shared_ptr<LoopConstraint> > loopConstraints

Definition at line 887 of file Constraints.h.

◆ name

std::vector<std::string> name

Definition at line 864 of file Constraints.h.

◆ nameGroupMap

std::map< std::string, unsigned int > nameGroupMap

Definition at line 866 of file Constraints.h.

◆ P

Selection matrix for the non-actuated parts of the model.

Definition at line 925 of file Constraints.h.

◆ point_accel_0

std::vector<Math::Vector3d> point_accel_0

Workspace for the default point accelerations.

Definition at line 973 of file Constraints.h.

◆ py

Definition at line 942 of file Constraints.h.

◆ pz

Definition at line 943 of file Constraints.h.

◆ QDDot_0

Math::VectorNd QDDot_0

Workspace for the default accelerations.

Definition at line 967 of file Constraints.h.

◆ QDDot_t

Math::VectorNd QDDot_t

Workspace for the test accelerations.

Definition at line 965 of file Constraints.h.

◆ qddot_y

Math::VectorNd qddot_y

Definition at line 956 of file Constraints.h.

◆ qddot_z

Math::VectorNd qddot_z

Definition at line 957 of file Constraints.h.

◆ R

Definition at line 955 of file Constraints.h.

◆ Ru

Definition at line 941 of file Constraints.h.

◆ S

Selection matrix for the actuated parts of the model needed for the inverse-dynamics-with-constraints operator

Definition at line 923 of file Constraints.h.

◆ u

Definition at line 932 of file Constraints.h.

◆ userDefinedIdGroupMap

std::map< unsigned int, unsigned int> userDefinedIdGroupMap

Definition at line 867 of file Constraints.h.

◆ v

Definition at line 933 of file Constraints.h.

◆ v_plus

The velocities we want to have along the constraint directions.

Definition at line 901 of file Constraints.h.

◆ W

Matrix that holds the relative cost of deviating from the desired accelerations

Definition at line 928 of file Constraints.h.

◆ Winv

Definition at line 929 of file Constraints.h.

◆ WinvSC

Definition at line 930 of file Constraints.h.

◆ x

Workspace for the Lagrangian solution.

Definition at line 919 of file Constraints.h.

◆ Y

Definition at line 953 of file Constraints.h.

◆ Z

Definition at line 954 of file Constraints.h.